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Technical Solution - Upgrading and Retrofitting a Bystonic CO2 Laser Cutter into a Fiber Laser Cutter

Why choose our technical upgrade solution?

We will explain the advantages of the retrofit through a comparative analysis.

CO2 Laser Cutter

  • CO2 laser cutting machines have lower energy utilization. Their electro-optical efficiency is around 10%, significantly lower than the 30% or more offered by fiber lasers, leading to higher energy consumption for equivalent power.
  • CO2 lasers require the use of laser gas, which adds to operating costs.
  • Traditional CO2 lasers utilize mirror reflection, resulting in a more complex structure. This complexity translates into intricate and expensive maintenance.
  • Traditional CO2 lasers are being phased out, the production of their core components is being suspended. This makes the cost of core components considerably high due to their decreasing availability.

Fiber Laser Cutter

  • 30% Efficiency Improvement : With superior metal absorption rates, increased energy density, and accelerated cutting efficiency, fiber laser cutting machines offer a highly efficient solution.
  • 50% Reduction in Operating Costs: These machines significantly reduce operating costs, as well as repair, maintenance, and spare parts expenses, making them a financially smart choice.
  • Simplified Laser Transmission: The replacement of specular reflection with flexible optical fiber streamlines maintenance and minimizes the equipment's footprint, making fiber lasers simpler and more compact.

Why Retrofitting?

Cost Savings

Upgrading an existing machine can often be more cost-effective than purchasing a new one. The upgrade process generally only involves replacing or upgrading certain key components, rather than the entire machine, which could result in significant savings.

Familiarity with the Existing Machine

Operators may already be familiar with the overall design, operation, and maintenance procedures of their current CO2 laser cutting machine. By upgrading the existing machine, they can maintain this familiarity while still benefiting from the advantages of fiber laser technology.

Minimizing Waste

By upgrading an existing machine instead of buying a new one, businesses can minimize waste. The original product has high investment performance as well as stable and excellent processing performance. It is a pity that the product was eliminated only because of the laser problem.

Extended Machine Life

Upgrading a machine with new technology can also extend its useful life, providing further cost savings over the long term.

Unlocking Value for Customers with Our Retrofitting Solution

Economic and Operational Benefits

With our upgrade solution, your Bystronic CO2 Laser Cutter can reap numerous benefits that save costs and increase efficiency:

Boosted Efficiency: Upgrading to fiber optics enhances the electro-optical efficiency to over 30%, significantly reducing electricity costs.

Hassle-Free Maintenance: A fiber upgrade offers maintenance-free operation along with a 5-year warranty for a worry-free experience.

Decreased Operational Costs: The retrofit removes the need for a gas source, further cutting operational costs.

No Retraining Required: There's no need to replace the operating system or control system, saving on retraining costs.

Fast and Efficient On-site Upgrades: The high-efficiency transformation can be implemented on-site, upgrading to fiber within just three days at its fastest.

Extended Equipment Life: Once upgraded, the equipment can operate for an additional 10 years, ensuring longevity.

Premium Performance: The upgrade guarantees the outstanding mechanical performance and precision of imported machines.

Comparison: Fiber Laser Generator vs CO2 Laser Generator

Fiber lasers outperform CO2 lasers in numerous ways:

Fiber Laser Generator: Compact, low-maintenance, and highly efficient with a metal absorption rate of 35% and an electro-optical conversion of over 30%. The laser is transmitted through optical fiber, lasts up to 100,000 hours, and doesn't require protective gas for the lens. It's excellent for cutting non-ferrous metals.

CO2 Laser Generator: Requires a gas generator and consumes gas. Operates at lower efficiency with a metal absorption rate of 12% and an electro-optical conversion rate of 10%-15%. Requires high purity N2 pressure to protect the lens and has difficulty absorbing highly reflective metals.

Enhanced Cutting Abilities with Fiber Laser (for reference)

Upgrading to a fiber laser enhances the cutting abilities of your equipment for a variety of materials:

Material Fiber 3000W Fiber 4000W Fiber 6000W Fiber 8000W Fiber 12000W
Mild Steel 20mm 20mm 25mm 30mm 40mm
Stainless Steel 12mm 15mm 25mm 30mm 30mm
Aluminum Alloy 10mm 14mm 25mm 30mm 30mm
Brass 10mm 10mm 12mm 16mm 16mm
Copper 5mm 6mm 8mm 10mm 10mm

Guess what, we've successfully conducted tests, reviving a 2008 Bystar CO2 laser cutter, which is now steadily cutting 16mm carbon steel and 6mm stainless steel, checkout the case!

Lower Operating Costs

Fiber lasers have significantly lower operating costs:

Energy Efficiency: Fiber lasers consume at least half the energy under the same power, leading to more savings with higher usage.

No Laser Gas Generation: Fiber lasers save nearly 2000 USD annually by eliminating the need for laser gas generation.

Air Cutting: Fiber lasers can utilize air cutting, saving nearly 2000 USD on nitrogen costs per year.

Extended Warranty: After upgrading, lasers come with a new 5-year warranty for 6KW machines, ensuring worry-free operation.

Stable Performance: Our upgrades include a German Precitec cutting head for reliable and stable performance.

Configuration List

The retrofitting of your machine involves upgrading with top-quality parts from leading brands:




Fiber Laser Generator (4000W)



Fiber Laser Cutting Head



Water Chiller



Drag Chains






Upgrade Toolkit



Our comprehensive upgrade kit and standardized hardware interfaces ensure a swift and efficient upgrade process for your equipment.

laser retrofitting cases

Product Features and Advantages

Our solution enhances your machine with the following core functions of the Advanced Intelligent Cutting System (AICS):

Energy Efficiency: Upgrading to fiber optics boosts electro-optical efficiency to 30%, reducing energy consumption.

Reduced Emissions: The fiber optic upgrade eliminates the need for laser gas, reducing emissions and contributing to a greener environment.

Cost-Effective: The solution enables 100% equipment reuse, cutting costs by 50% and conserving resources.

Enhanced Control: The upgrade controls the fiber cutting head with automatic focusing and alarm features for better precision and safety.

Rapid Implementation: Experience fast delivery within a week and be back in production in just three days.

Quality Assurance: Our system monitors CNC parameters to ensure high processing quality.

details for co2 laser retrofit

Economic and Social Impact

Economic Benefits: Our upgrade solution halves operating costs, fully reuses equipment, and doubles efficiency. This translates into significant savings and higher productivity for your business.

Social Impact: The upgrade process contributes positively to environmental protection efforts by reducing emissions and conserving resources. Make your operations more sustainable with our retrofitting solution.


sky fire laser work flow for laser retrofitting


Further reading: