Classification of fiber laser based on fiber material types with various equipment and cables in an industrial setting
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Classification of Fiber Laser Based on Fiber Material Types

Classification of Fiber Laser Based on Fiber Material Types


Fiber lasers can be classified based on the type of fiber material they use. Different fiber materials result in various types of fiber laser devices. Let's explore the classifications:

1. Crystal Fiber Lasers

Crystal fiber lasers use laser crystal fibers as their working material. This category includes Ruby single-crystal fiber lasers and Nd3+:YAG single-crystal fiber lasers, among others.

2. Nonlinear Optical Fiber Lasers

Nonlinear optical fiber lasers are another type, which includes Stimulated Raman Scattering Fiber Lasers and Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Fiber Lasers.

3. Rare Earth Doped Fiber Lasers

Rare Earth Doped Fiber Lasers use glass as the fiber's substrate material, with rare earth elements doped into the fiber to activate and create the fiber laser.

4. Plastic Fiber Lasers

Plastic Fiber Lasers are created by doping laser dye into the core or cladding of plastic fibers.

By classifying fiber lasers based on fiber material types, we can better understand their applications and characteristics in various industries.


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