II. Evaluation Criteria:
The design of the machine, including cleanliness, creativity, and visual effects.
The innovation of the machine, whether it has unique design or functionality.
Cutting Ability
The actual cutting performance of the machine, including precision, speed, and stability.
The potential for future upgrades and expansions of the machine, such as replacing parts or adding features.
Environmental and Safety Impact
The environmental and safety performance of the machine during operation, including waste management, noise control, and safety design.
IV. Participation Method:
- Fill out the "Registration Information Form" to confirm your registration.
- Once registration is confirmed, the organizers will begin creating T-shirts and send them to participants.
- After registering, participants need to create a video (at least 5 minutes long). The video should explain the DIY process and showcase the machine’s appearance, functionality, and cutting performance.
- Upload the video to the DIY Fiber Laser Facebook Group and add the tag: #ParticipateInTheFirstSKYFIREDIYLaserCutterContest.
- Send the video link to info@sflaser.net.
- The final date for submitting video links is June 30, 2025.
Interviews with the Top Three Winners
After the contest, we will feature exclusive interviews with the top three winners on our podcast, Laser Insights China. We’ll dive into their DIY laser cutting machine projects, share technical insights, and explore the creative journey that led to their success. Don’t miss out on these exciting discussions!